Flora and Fauna

8132 - The Road to Winter

8103 - Teahouse Moon

8486-Tree Haze

8858-Bands of Birch

8745-Silvery Nightshade

8835-Autumnal Stars

1299-Catch the Wind

1630 - Love in the Mist

1648-Christmas Time

1660-Tinsel Tree

1715 - Is it Spring Yet?

1772 - Sunshine Baubles

09917 Roadside Daisies

02020 'Four Seasons'

01859 'Autumn Reached down to the Jewels of the Stream'

8482 'Scattered'

01730 'Reds and Green'

01555 'Hedgerow'

2986 'The Golden Hour'

01724 'Autumnal Cheer'

01573 ' Light the Lanterns'

03299 'Birches by the River'

05970-4 'Birds on the Wire'

05855 'Winter Approaches'

05879 - November

8140 - Charcoal Breeze

08083 'Light and Love - for Alex'

07838 'Safari'

07840 'Falling Leaves'

07856 'Hidden season'

05451 'Autumnal Storm'

05833 'Evening Mist'

05082 'Summer Breeze'

05038 'What do You See when You Look up?'

05498 'Raindrops Glistened as they Tinkled Down'

05775 'Chilling Wind Heralds Winter Frost'

05060 'The Light Danced on the Sighing Leaves'

05045 'Bohemian Rhapsody'

01586 'Eleganza'

04744 'A Birth Day Stem'

04796 'Rupert Campbell lack Rides Again'

04783 'The Dressage'

08112 'Last Lonely Leaves'

06259 'Green Waterways - Norfolk Broads'

05859 'Gentle Breeze'

05381 'Knight Rider'

05412 'The Home Run'

05406 'Into the Misty Blue'

05404 'The Splash!'

04783 'The Rider'

05404 'Splash!'